The information presented on this web site is provided as a convenience and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and the information presented here cannot substitute for advice of competent counsel specific to the facts of your situation. While we endeavor to provide useful and timely information about pro hac vice admission, rules are constantly changing. Therefore, we do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the rules or forms provided on this site. Check with local courts and counsel to ensure that you are meeting all of the requirements for admission. Prior to placing an advertisement for an attorney on this site, we verify with the bar association(s) of the state(s) in which the attorney is licensed that the attorney is a member of the bar in good standing and that the attorney has not been subject to disciplinary proceedings in the last five years. We do not represent or warrant the competence, diligence, or legal ability of the attorneys who appear on this site or endorse them in any way, and expressly deny liability for consequences of any legal action initiated or advice given by any listed attorney. As with any significant relationship, please use caution and common sense when retaining local counsel listed on this site or that you find elsewhere, and protect yourself and your client with a well-drafted retainer agreement. Attorney listings on the site do not constitute, and are not intended to constitute, a recommendation or endorsement of any person or firm. The transmission of any message to this website does not establish an attorney-client relationship. You should not send messages with confidential and/or time-sensitive information. We encourage you to contact us with questions or comments about the information presented on the site. We work closely with attorneys who do not advertise here; please call or contact us online if you would like help finding the right local counsel for your situation. This information was last updated on June 8, 2014.