Michigan Pro Hac Vice Counsel & Admission Rules

Michigan Pro Hac Vice Admission Rules & Lawyers

Pro Hac Vice Michigan


Is there a fee

Yes. The fee for admission pro hac vice in Michigan is $135, payable to the State Bar of Michigan, located at 306 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Attention: Finance Department.

What documents do I need?

Admission in Michigan requires a Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice, Certificate of Good Standing from the states in which the applicant is licensed, and an Affidavit. Download free sample forms on the Forms tab at left.

How do I apply?

Payment to the State Bar of Michigan should state the name of the attorney seeking admission and the attorney’s address. Within three business days, the State Bar will provide a letter receipt to be filed with the Motion for Admission. A copy of the filed Motion and attachments should be sent to the Attorney Grievance Commission by mail to Attn: Pro Hac Vice, Attorney Grievance Commission, 535 Griswold, Suite 1700, Detroit, MI 48226 or by e-mail to [email protected]. Within 7 days, the Commission will notify the court of the number of prior applications made by the attorney seeking admission.

Is local counsel required

Yes. The State Bar of Michigan requires pro hac vice applicants to associate with local counsel. Local counsel can provide insights into matters of local practice which can assist in your representation of your client. Find available local counsel by choosing the Lounsel Counsel tab at the left.

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