Minnesota Pro Hac Vice Counsel & Admission Rules

Minnesota Pro Hac Vice Admission Rules & Lawyers

Pro Hac Vice Minnesota


Is there a fee

Yes. Out-of-state lawyer pays a non-refundable fee of $450 to the Minnesota Board of Law Examiners.

What documents do I need?

Minnesota requires submission of a Pro Hac Vice Application to the state bar. It also requires a certificate of good standing and information about the attorney who is acting as local counsel. These forms are available in the electronic filing system.

How do I apply?

The Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice and the required fees are submitted first, electronically, to the Minnesota Board of Law Examiners. Once complete, the same materials should be submitted to the Minnesota District Court handling the matter.

Is local counsel required

Yes. Retaining local counsel is a condition of pro hac vice admission in the Minnesota courts. Local counsel can provide valuable practice insights unique to Minnesota that can assist in your representation of your client.