New Mexico Pro Hac Vice Admission Rules & Lawyers
Yes. There is a non-refundable fee of $450 to the State Bar of New Mexico. Office of the General Counsel - PHV State Bar of New Mexico PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 87199
To apply for pro hac vice admission in New Mexico, a certificate of good standing from every state or country in which the attorney is admitted or licensed, dated within six months of the application for admission, will be required. The attorney seeking admission will also be required to complete a Registration Statement and Affidavit.
File the Registration Certificate, Affidavit of Non-Admitted Lawyer, and Payment with the State Bar of New Mexico using the address on the Registration Certificate form.
Yes. The State Bar of New Mexico requires out-of-state attorneys to associate with an active member in good standing as a member of the State Bar of New Mexico. In addition to the rules requiring it, local counsel's understanding of the local legal practice will benefit your client.